The Easiest Way to Compost at Home (And Where to Empty It)

The Easiest Way to Compost at Home (And Where to Empty It)
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Composting at home is the best way to manage food waste and contribute to a healthier planet, but countertop compost bins can often be messy and smelly. For those looking for clean and easy composting at home, we'll break down the easiest way to compost at home.

The easiest way to compost at home is by using Sepura, a composting garbage disposal. Just wash food scraps down your sink, and Sepura automatically collects them in a sealed and odor-proof container while liquids drain. You don’t touch, smell, or see your food scraps until you empty your bin into your curbside or backyard compost.

Did you know? If everyone in the United States composted, it would be equivalent to removing 7.8 million cars from the road.

 easy composting at home

Learn more about Sepura

How to make composting easy at home

Kitchen cleanups can be tedious and messy if you have to scrape each dish into the countertop compost bin before washing your dishes. The food scraps also sit in their own liquid in the compost bin, which can cause odor and requires the bin to be wiped down consistently.

With Sepura, you can wash your plates in your sink with the food scraps on them, and let the food flow down your sink. Press the wireless button and your food scraps are automatically sent to an odor-proof compost bin while only liquids drain down your pipes.

All the liquids are separated from solids, so your food scraps end up in a liquid-free bin which prevents quick decomposition and additional odor.

Sepura is not just a convenience; it's a lifestyle upgrade. Its advanced technology, including a carbon filter and controlled air intakes, ensures an odor-free experience. No more worries about unpleasant smells in your kitchen.

Countertop Compost
Automatic compost collection & easier dishwashing 
Manually scrape each dish off into bin before washing dishes
Sealed bin with air intakes and carbon filter
Lid usually doesn't seal, often has a carbon filter but still leaks odor
Liquid drains to keep food scraps dry
Food scraps sit in liquid
Empty every 2-4 weeks
Requires weekly emptying


What to Do with Food Waste

Before discarding, think about creative ways to reuse food scraps. Many kitchen leftovers can be given a second life.

How to reuse food scraps

  • Vegetable Scraps for Broth: Onion peels, carrot ends, and celery leaves can enhance the flavor of homemade broth.
  • Citrus Peels for Cleaning: Citrus peels infused in vinegar make an excellent natural cleaner.
  • Coffee Grounds for Gardening: Used coffee grounds are rich in nitrogen and can be sprinkled around plants.

Check out these 13 surprising uses for kitchen food scraps for more inspiration!

City Organics Collection

Cities with organics collection programs often have specific guidelines on what can and cannot be included in curbside composting. Sepura aligns seamlessly with these requirements, making it an ideal choice for urban dwellers.

If you aren’t sure if you have residential curbside compost collection, look up your state in the STA Certified Compost participants list.

easy compost home curbside collection

Commonly accepted foods in city organics collection programs:

  • Fruit and Vegetable Scraps: Peels, cores, seeds, and any leftover pieces from fruits and vegetables are typically accepted.
  • Coffee Grounds: Used coffee grounds are excellent additions to compost, providing valuable nutrients.
  • Eggshells: Crushed eggshells decompose well and add beneficial minerals to the compost.
  • Bread and Grains: Stale bread, cooked rice, and other grains are usually accepted.
  • Tea Bags: Remove any staples or non-compostable elements and toss used tea bags into the compost.
  • Nut Shells: Crushed nutshells break down over time, contributing organic matter.
  • Herb Trimmings: Stems and leaves from herbs can be included in your compost.
  • Non-Greasy Food Scraps: While greasy food waste might attract pests, non-greasy leftovers and scraps are generally accepted.
  • Paper Napkins and Towels: Unbleached and compostable paper products are often allowed.

Always check with your local waste management or city organics program for specific guidelines, as they may vary. Sepura makes adhering to these guidelines easier by efficiently separating food scraps and providing a hassle-free way to contribute to local composting efforts.

empty home compost bin in backyard compost

Backyard composting

Backyard composting is an eco-friendly practice that turns food scraps into nutrient-rich compost, and with Sepura, the process becomes even more seamless.

Emptying into Your Backyard Compost:

Equipped with LED indicators, Sepura will let you know when it's time for emptying, usually every 2-4 weeks depending on usage. Take the bin to your backyard composting area, open the lid, and turn your kitchen scraps into nutrient-rich compost for your garden.

Benefits of Backyard Composting:

  • Nutrient-Rich Soil: Composting kitchen scraps enriches the soil with essential nutrients, promoting healthier plant growth.
  • Reduced Waste: By composting, you divert organic waste from landfills, contributing to a reduction in overall waste.
  • Sustainable Gardening: Using your kitchen scraps for composting supports a closed-loop system, where waste is recycled to benefit your garden.

Backyard composting turns kitchen scraps into a valuable resource for sustainable gardening. Sepura's efficient collection system makes it easy to contribute to this eco-friendly practice, making your kitchen cleanup not only convenient but also environmentally conscious.


Composting at home is not only achievable but can be made incredibly easy with Sepura. Say goodbye to the traditional complexities of composting and welcome a new era of waste management. Sepura not only enhances the composting process but also ensures a clean, odor-free, and convenient experience. Revolutionize your approach to food waste with Sepura—the future of home composting.