Is garbage disposal power use high or low? Homeowners need to know how much electricity their garbage disposal uses, and what power level is right for them. In this blog post, we'll explore the power requirements of garbage disposals and Sepura.
The power consumption of a garbage disposal depends on its size and motor power. On average, a garbage disposal uses 500 to 1500 watts. A typical 1/2 horsepower garbage disposal uses around 700 watts of power. Sepura, the compost alternative to garbage disposals, only uses 60 watts of power.
How many watts does it take to run a garbage disposal?
Garbage disposals are powered by an electric motor that spins a grinding chamber to break down food scraps. The amount of energy required to run a garbage disposal depends on the size and horsepower rating of the motor. A smaller motor will require less power than a larger motor.
Another factor that can affect the power consumption of a garbage disposal is the type of food scraps that are being processed. Harder materials, such as bones or fibrous vegetables, may require more power to break down than softer materials like fruit peels. Keep in mind that bones, fibrous materials, and even softer food scraps like potato peels can damage and break garbage disposals.
If you're looking for a more energy-efficient model, look into Sepura which only requires 60 watts of power. Sepura also accepts any food waste (including bones) without risk of damage.

In general, a typical garbage disposal will use between 500 and 1500 watts of power. For reference, the common Badger 5 garbage disposal uses 804 watts with an average of 6.7 amps at 120 volts.
How much power does a garbage disposal draw?
The electricity drawn from a garbage disposal is measured in amps. The amount of power that a disposal draws will depend on its voltage and horsepower rating.
Most household garbage disposals run on 120 volts and draw between 5 and 10 amps of current. A typical 1/2 horsepower garbage disposal will draw around 6 amps of current.
If you're installing a new garbage disposal, it's important to make sure that your electrical wiring can support the power draw of the unit. You may need to install a dedicated circuit for the disposal to avoid overloading your electrical system.
Similar to garbage disposals, Sepura uses a wall outlet to plug in.
Where is the power to my garbage disposal?
If you're considering getting a garbage disposal or a Sepura for your kitchen, it's important to understand the electrical requirements and whether a dedicated circuit is necessary.
Garbage disposals and Sepura Home units need electricity to operate, and the power source for these units is typically located under the kitchen sink. You will need a power supply cable that connects to an electrical outlet.

Most residential garbage disposals require a circuit of 15 amps and 120 volts. However, it's important to note that some higher-end models may require up to 20 amps.
Sepura only requires a standard wall plug (AC 100-240V ~1.6A 50-60Hz), so it works great with standard home circuits.
Do garbage disposals need a dedicated circuit?
Yes, it is recommended that a garbage disposal does have a dedicated circuit. This means that the unit is the only appliance that is connected to that circuit. Having a dedicated circuit can help to prevent electrical issues and ensure that your unit functions properly.
Because Sepura requires very little power, a dedicated circuit is not required.
Sharing a circuit with other appliances can cause the circuit to trip or the breaker to shut off, which can be frustrating and potentially dangerous. A dedicated circuit for your garbage disposal can help to ensure that it operates safely and efficiently.
If you're not sure whether your electrical system is set up for a garbage disposal or Sepura, it's a good idea to consult with an electrician. They can help you determine whether you need a dedicated circuit and ensure that your electrical system is safe and up to code.
In summary, having the correct electrical supply and a dedicated circuit is important for ensuring that your garbage disposal functions properly and safely. Before purchasing a unit, make sure to consider your electrical requirements and consult with an expert if needed.
Sepura units are far less energy intensive home appliances, and will work with standard home circuits.
The power consumption of a garbage disposal depends on its size and horsepower rating. On average, a typical garbage disposal uses between 500 and 1500 watts of power. If you're concerned about energy usage, look into Sepura which only uses 60 watts of power.
It's also important to make sure that your electrical wiring can support the power draw of your garbage disposal. You may need to install a dedicated circuit for the unit to avoid overloading your electrical system.